Friday, December 20, 2013


Introduction -

I AM an incorrigible optimist. Despite all the calamities happening around us, global warming included, I still insist that we are living in the best of times – if we care to count our blessings.

But we are also living in the super-fast lane in every aspect of life. We are experiencing an explosion of knowledge, making breakthroughs in science and medicine, enjoying cutting-edge technology and witnessing great explorations to outer space and the depths of the oceans as never before. And of course, we are also living in the ICT age, a shrinking borderless world.

All this means speed and changes, unprecedented and unthinkable only a few decades ago. Changes can be uncomfortable and speed stressful. Life in the fast lane can be meaningless if we fail to slow down once a while to smell the roses, to restore a sense of proportion, relish the human touch and appreciate the small things in life.

This book is a collection of articles which reflect in a way my response to these changes, sometimes with a touch of humour and cynicism while at other times, with anguish and frustration.

These articles have been written over the years in between chasing deadlines and they have appeared in my regular columns under the titles “Short Takes” and “Over a Cuppa” in The Star, the leading English daily in Malaysia.

I am happy to share these feelings as I touch base with the real world. Need I say more in this introduction? I think not. Just plunge in and enjoy the book.

I’m indebted to The Star’s Group Chief Editor Datuk Seri Wong Chun Wai for his support and my wife, Maureen, for her inspiration, Soo Ewe Jin for his assistance and, of course, all of you out there who have helped me and who have given me encouraging feedback either in person or through the e-mail all these years.

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